Tuesday, June 29, 2010

As Promised . . . mostly for my mom

Well Mom, I really hope that you are reading this. I have been assuring you for many months that I update my blog regularly, but I have been lying. I am making a sincere effort to repent of my ways and sin no more. So here goes.

What is a kid's favorite toy? A cardboard box! This magnificent pirate ship was once a box to our brand new jogging stroller. (I'm really excited about this stroller). Notice the flag and their mean pirate faces. The ship last for a few days, but they had a lot of fun with it. I think everyone in the courtyard eventually was part of this game!

Besides spending most of our time playing in the backyard, we decided to celebrate the beginning of the summer with a camping trip. So, on the last day of school, we crammed everything into our little car and ventured out to Raystown Lake. It was a great trip spent with our good friends, The Lees. We swam; we made smores; Steve mountain-biked; I did some trail running; and we had close call with some poison ivy. It took about three days to recover (I never realized how much work went into our week long camping trips when I was younger - thanks mom and dad)

And finally, these last few pictures are just from a photo shoot that I did to make a Father's Day card. The card never happened, but I got some cute pictures that I think show their personality quite well.

Can you tell that Sadie likes to pose for pictures? In fact, my neighbor has been using her as a model for some of her artwork. You can find an example of what she has been doing here.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Has it been awhile?

I know it's ridiculous . . . you are thinking, "Where are those cute kids; what have they been doing for the last few months?" I promise you, there will be pictures soon, but right now I want to post about my awesome craftiness. I've been meaning to do this post for quite sometime and finally, I did it today. I made these great scripture totes based on a tutorial for a summer tote found at Homemade by Jill. I just changed the size of things so that it will fit a set of scriptures!

See? Isn't it perfect? I was quite proud of myself. If you would like to know the dimensions I used (or if you want me to make you one) I would be happy to oblige. On that note, I had so much fun making these for Sadie and Dallin that I made an extra one with leftover fabric. I want to give it to the first one who asks for it -- I'll even pay for the shipping!