Every morning at about 6:30 Dallin wakes up. I can almost set my clock to his wake-up time. He will usually go and find a toy and play for awhile (I think this is usually his 'poop' time too) Then he comes and finds me. I don't know how he knows it, but he whispers in the morning. He'll come into our room and whisper to me or he will play with my toes if they are sticking out. Then he climbs into bed with me . . . I realize that he is poopy, so I make him get out because the pull-ups he wears at night are not the best protection. I'll usually have him go wake up Sadie because for some reason she responds better to him waking her up.
This morning was a little different. Yes, it was still 6:30 and we still had the poop, but Sadie woke up earlier, so Dallin and I went into their room and Dallin said, "Good Morning" It was so cute. I know it's not that amazing, but it is for me. It's so fun to listen to him develop his language skills. It can also be quite frustrating at times when I can't figure out that "ous" means outside or "nosssse" means snow instead of nose. And lots of other things that I really haven't figured out yet.
Another cute thing that Dallin has been doing for awhile calling himself the baby. It started one time when Steve and I were hugging and Dallin didn't think that was very cool, so he came to me and indicated that he wanted to be picked up. Then he pointed to himself and said,"Baby, baby." So I hugged him and said, "Of course you are my baby." Now he does the same thing if he wants some attention. Although, now he is being a little selective because the other day he pointed to himself and said, "baby. no. dallin." I think the translation is, "I'm not a baby, I'm Dallin." I told him that he will always be my baby and I explained that Sadie was my baby too. He seemed to get a kick out of that because he pointed to Sadie and said, "Ga-ga. baby." And as you know, Ga-ga means Sadie.
I never thought I would be one of those parents who thinks that their child is the absolute greatest, but I have to to admit it. My kids are better than all of your kids combined. They are the smartest, cutest, healthiest, strongest, bestest kids in the world. I guess if I claim that, I would also have to admit that they can be the most obnoxious, clingy, whiny, and brattiest kids in the world. I have some days where I feel that way. On those days I try to take a little extra time at the end of the day and watch them while they sleep. It doesn't take very long for me to remember that they really are the bestest in the world. I think that is my best piece of advice: Watch you kids while they sleep. Everything seems to slip into perspective while you do that.
This blog post got a little off focus, sorry . . . the rest of our mornings usually include breakfast, cartoons, getting Sadie off to school, and going to the YMCA, but this morning I went back to bed after a little passive-aggressive behavior and I let Steve take care of everything else. Thanks sweetie for taking the wheel this morning. I love you.
It's funny . . . a few girls in my ward mentioned the same thing about watching your kids while they're sleeping. It's true!
Carrie, so true. I love a sleeping kid.
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