Wednesday, March 11, 2009


While I welcome the warmer weather, there is something I wish I could banish . . . MUD! We had a lot of ice this winter and not a lot of good drainage in our courtyard. Someone was smart enough to drive their little truck through the grass and got stuck. The result was this mud pit. At first it was a lot of fun. All the kids were outside playing in the mud and having a great time. As you can see, Sadie was covered in mud. Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture of Dallin (He's already in the bath with mud in his ear even) They had so much fun, but please, I'm ready for some warmer weather and some grass replacement. Last week the same guy drove on the grass and got stuck again! Unbelievable! And yet, it's true. Maybe he's trying to screw up the lawn so bad that they will be forced to redo the entire thing.
Anyway, I we can't go outside now without Dallin running for the mud pit and then falling once he gets there. I'm ready for warmer days like these!

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